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Karumba Benefits from New Century Dredging Investment

Posted on June 28, 2018

By Jessica Johnston, North Queensland Register

THE reestablishment of mining operations in Karumba is reopening opportunities in the town with a channel dredging program allowing access for live export ships.

New Century Mine took control of mining assets in the beginning of 2017 with operations set to resume in August this year.

Head of Corporate Affairs Shane Goodwin said the previous owners and operators of Century Mine undertook dredging of the Karumba channel to allow access for their vessel, but that ceased when the mine shut down.

He said New Century had worked to reestablish the dredging program to deepen the channel at Karumba ahead of the mine’s reopening, which had flow on effects for the region.

”We entered into discussion with the port’s owners Port’s North some months ago, and they were obviously happy for the dredging to occur with full cost recovery,” Mr Goodwin said.

“We will be ensuring the channel depth is maintained for the life of the operations, which is about 6.5 years.

Mr Goodwin said they were dredging to a depth of about 3.2 metres, with tonnes of sediment being removed.

They will maintain the channel depth with an ongoing program, with vessels working to remove sediment every year or two.

Source: North Queensland Register

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