Posted on January 31, 2019
The Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC) kicked off a salt marsh restoration and elevation enhancement project at Quonochotaug Pond in Rhode Island, where dredging removed sand from the bottom of the pond and is being used to restore and enhance the adjacent marshland as well as create a public beach. The dredging was completed in late January, after which a volunteer planting effort will begin.
The naturally formed pond and marsh area acts as a first line of defense to protect adjacent communities from flooding. Over the years as sea levels have risen and erosion has occurred, the marshes have become overrun with water turning marsh into open water and killing off the vegetation that helps hold the sand in place.
Dredging and Restoration Activities
J.F. Brennan Company Inc. removed approximately 70,000 cubic yards of sand to restore and elevate 30 acres of degraded salt marsh.
The contractor mobilized on-site at the end of November. The company used two 8-inch hydraulic dredges, the Astabula and the Fox River. The dredges were custom made by DSC to have different pump and ladder configurations and sensors for dredge cut accuracy. Each is equipped with Hypack RTK GPS software, which can adjust to water level changes ensuring the excavation is done precisely. The dredges are also working at a reduced discharge rate of 2000 GPM to allow the material placed to settle faster.
“One of the challenges is to develop the proper final elevation of the marsh. We have to work closely with the owner to bring material on the marsh at a higher elevation to allow the marsh to settle. There’s peat under these marshes that can compact. It’s critical to have the correct grades set to allow for settling and the finished grade,” said Andrew Timmis, business development director for J.F. Brennan.
Upland, Brennan is using a CAT 324E amphibious excavator with an MBI amphibious undercarriage. The excavator placed the dredge pipes at the marsh in the required location, and then, moved the dredged material from the pipe discharge to the edge of the marsh. Once there was enough material on the marsh, an LGP dozer accessed the work area to start grading and shaping the material to produce the final approved elevations.
“The bid mandated we use amphibious excavators to ensure no damage or compaction of the marsh would occur. The tracks are about 6 feet across and 5 feet high so the excavator has a ground pressure of 1.5 psi and can float. We’re using a low ground pressure dozier with Trimble grading software, so we can set grades on the dozier to produce really accurate contours and elevations. They don’t want high or low spots. It has to be just right,” Timmis said.
“Lots of people have wanted to dredge this area for a long time so the opportunity to combine dredging with environmental restoration really helped spurn the project,” Chafee said.
The $2 million project was funded mainly through a coastal resilience grant from NOAA. This grant program, jointly administered by NOAA’s National Ocean Service and NOAA Fisheries, helps fund projects that conserve and restore sustainable ecosystem processes and functions to reduce the vulnerability of coastal communities and infrastructure from the impacts of extreme weather and changing ocean condition. The CRMC received $982,103 from the program, providing a 2 to 1 match along with several partners.
The Town of Charlestown contributed $450,000 and the R.I. Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration Program and Trust Fund also dedicated $90,000 of funding. Local nonprofit groups, The Shelter Harbor Conservation Society and the Salt Ponds Coalition raised a significant amount of funding for the project from their membership, and the US Fish & Wildlife Service’s Coastal Program is providing additional support.