Posted on January 16, 2023
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District conducted a series of inspections of Richard L. Schafer Dam and the Tule River Spillway following a magnitude 3.2 earthquake January 10 at Lake Success.
“After performing a post-earthquake inspection of the dam and its associated appurtenances, there were no findings of concern to report,” said Charlie Mauldin, USACE operations project manager at the dam.
Mauldin added that dam operators will continue to perform routine inspections and report any findings.
As rains continue through Central California, the reservoir currently sits at 42,340 acre-feet, which is approximately 50 percent of capacity. Any releases are part of normal dam operations at this time.
The dam, which provides flood control, recreation opportunities and irrigation, is located about 8 miles from Porterville. It spans 3,490 feet across the Tule River and is 142 feet high.
The U.S. Geological Survey reported that the earthquake occurred at a depth of 7.6 km below the lake.