Posted on June 11, 2019
IADC World Drilling 2019, the leadership event for wells professionals, will explore our industry’s challenges and opportunities from a strategic, leadership perspective. The conference will examine improving the value proposition from multiple perspectives – technology, diversity, contracting, collaboration, digital solutions, and more for all stakeholders. Through high-level panels and speakers and through cutting-edge technical papers, the conference will chart each inflection point and trace the path to the industry’s future.
Conference Program
Wednesday, 19 June 2019
07.00 Conference Registration, Coffee Service, Poster Session & Open Exhibition – Sponsored by KCA Deutag
07.30 Speaker Briefing (conference speakers and session chairs only)
08.30 Welcome, Introduction & Safety Briefing
- Jason McFarland, President, IADC
- Kevin Neveu, 2019 IADC Chairman; President, Chief Executive Officer & Director, Precision Drilling Corporation
08.45 Keynote Presentations:
- Ivano Ponticiello, Vice President Drilling & Completion, ENI
- Francesco Racheli, Drilling Onshore Division Manager, Saipem
09.45 IADC President’s Citation for Leadership Award
IADC President’s Citation for Leadership Award recognizes individuals notable for outstanding contributions to the drilling industry and to IADC. Recipients have, in the course of their career, repeatedly demonstrated their commitment to improving the drilling industry and advancing its safety, training, or technology.
10.00 Networking Break, Poster Session & Open Exhibition – Sponsored by KCA Deutag
10.30 Global Market Outlook Moderator: Loren Singletary, Chief Investor & Industry Relations Officer, National Oilwell Varco
Having come through the most severe downturn that most of us in the industry have experienced and observed less than stable commodity prices since, what does the future hold? What market conditions and global influences are driving anticipated operator investment plans and what activity levels can we expect as a result? Are there disruptive technologies we can expect will significantly enhance our ability to improved drilling and completions efficiency? This panel will bring together leading market analysis and investment community expertise together with senior management from both offshore and onshore drilling communities to discuss these industry fundamentals.
- David Phillips, Managing Director, Head of Equity Research, Developed Europe Global Research, HSBC Bank plc
- Tom Kellock, Head of Offshore Rig Consulting, IHS Markit
- Akin Olufowoshe, Global Rigs Category Manager Offshore, Chevron
12.00 Luncheon, Poster Session & Open Exhibition – Sponsored by Pergemine
13.30 DigitalizationSession Chairs: Hege Kverneland, Corporate Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, National Oilwell Varco & Rustom Mody, Vice President Technical Excellence – Enterprise Technology, Baker Hughes a GE Company
Digitalization and Automation of Drilling Operations form a Governmental Perspective: Oddvar Fattnes, Principal Engineer, & Linn Iren Vestly Bergh, Senior Advisor, Petroleum Safety Authority Norway
Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) will present the strategy and plans for following up some key digitalization projects related to implementation of automated and robotized drilling and well operations. Recent experiences from following up the implementation processes of digital technology and the expected positive effects on HSE in the petroleum industry on the Norwegian Continental Shelf will be shared.
Multi Source Data Analysis to Drive drilling Excellence: Flavio Ferrari, Drilling Operation, & Luca Motti, Digital Transformation Leader and Innovation Leader, Emanuele Calò, Saipem SpA, Giovanni Patruno, Kwantis
The interpretation of rig sensors data through the automatic recognition of operating sequence, then combined with daily reports, provides highly valuable information for the improvement of operating performance, either as Non-Productive Time prevention and as Invisible Lost Time reduction.
Drilling Systems Discrete Modeling and Simulation based on Rig Data for Holistic Performance Improvement: Luis R. Pereira, Technology Manager, Technology and Innovation Group, Jason Baker, Transocean
The combination of system dynamics modeling, agent based modeling, and discrete event modeling has had limited application in the offshore drilling domain until recently. Thanks to “Big Rig Data” and these tools, we are now able to understand the true system behavior and performance, predicting future performance and optimizing new and current system operations enabling clear changes in the equipment and processes to improve overall efficiency.
15.00 Networking Break, Poster Session & Open Exhibition – Sponsored by KCA Deutag
15.30 People – Attract, Develop and Retain!Moderators: Brian Woodward, Manager – Marketing & Contracts, Noble Corporation & Rium Tapjan Johnson, Chief HSE Officer, National Oilwell Varco
Multiple polls and surveys have reinforced what the oil and gas industry already knows: We are not connecting well with the next-generation workforce, and millennial’s don’t generally view our industry as an attractive place to build their careers. At the same time, however, our industry needs a fresh pipeline of new talent in order to drive further innovations and performance improvements. This panel discussion addresses this gap by highlighting what the industry can do and offer in order to attract new-generation employees. Panelists will examine the underlying causes of the gap between millennial’s and the oil and gas industry, and hear from students and young professionals themselves in order to gain a better understanding of their perspectives, needs and ambitions.
- Terry Barrett, Chief Operating Officer, CAVU International
- Kristian Aa Rasmussen, Head Organizational Performance, Maersk Drilling
- Maddalene Frizzi, HR Development Coordinator, Saipem
- Anna Ramirez, Student, Missouri University of Science and Technology
- Jana Hochard, Drilling Engineer, XTO Energy
17.00-18.00 Welcoming Reception, Poster Session & Open Exhibition
Thursday, 20 June 2019
08.00 Conference Registration, Coffee Service, Poster Session & Open Exhibition – Sponsored by IFS
09.00 Welcome, Introduction & Safety Briefing
- Mark Denkowski, Vice President-Accreditation Operations, IADC
09.00 The Operators PerspectiveModerators: Celine Martin, Rig & Services Coordinator, Total Upstream & Bjørn Engedal, Chief Engineer, Equinor
During the downturn, the Oil and Gas industry has focused on finding ways to rethink their portfolio, renew reserves and ensure production growth while also investing in ways to remain sustainable in a volatile and low oil price environment. Following several years of low sanctioning levels, production capability is now below the global requirement. To keep moving forward, exploration, appraisal and development activities must be economical in the current environment. There must also be continuous innovation with regard to attracting and retaining a competent and skilled workforce and the implementation of new technologies and practices that work to achieve operational excellence. Additionally, the industry can focus on introducing a new collaborative approach with suppliers, authority and partners. Given the evolving environment, what is the Operators perspective on the future of the industry?
- Tim Way, Global Rig Sector Director, BP
- Anthony Clark, Group Head Well Engineering, Tullow Oil
- Xavier Rouzeaud, Deputy Vice President Drilling & Wells, Total
- Ivano Ponticiello, Vice President Drilling & Completion, ENI
- Scott Aitken, CEO, Seapulse
10.30 Networking Break, Poster Session & Open Exhibition – Sponsored by IFS
11.00 Automation and HSESession Chairs: Adebayo Aremu, Operations Super Intendent Land BU, KCA Deutag & Gordon Donald, Vice President Marketing & Contracts, Northern Offshore
Developing New Concepts in Red-Zone Management: Ola Balbaa, Drilling Engineer, BP, & Robin Boers, Rig Leader Maersk Discoverer, Maersk Drilling, & Joost Lasschuit, Managing Director, Rolloos, Mohamed Najwani, Michael Olinger, Sameh ElSayed, Mohamed Rashiny, Taher ElMoataz Belah, Sherine Khedr, BP
The implementation of Red Zone Monitoring Pilot system on the Maersk Discoverer offshore rig will be presented. A sequence of preventive barriers that is introduced in detail, along with challenges and opportunities witnessed in each phase will be covered. The overall impact of the project in maximizing safety and adding effective situational awareness is clearly discussed.
Case Study: A Case for Intelligent Pipe-handling Automation: Nahum Ronquillo, Product Line Manager, Control Systems, National Oilwell Varco, Nathan Moralez, BP, Tommy Johnsen, Seadrill
The value, challenges, and field results obtained from implementing tripping automation on deep water rigs operating in the Gulf of Mexico will be outlined. The close collaboration between operator, drilling contractor, and OEM is presented and emphasized as a key component to overcome multiple challenges. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are presented and used to evaluate and quantify the success of this project.
Differentiating Red Zone Safety with HaloGuard: Travis McGuire, Human Machine Engineering Manager, Paul Johnson, Transocean
Transocean has partnered with robotics and sensor companies, to develop a Drill Floor Safety System, HaloGuard. Drill Floors are constantly in motion with equipment needed to complete drilling operations. However, to date, peoples position on the drill floor relative to equipment has not been considered outside of procedural Red Zone management.
12.30 Luncheon, Poster Session & Open Exhibition
14.00 Motivational Speaker: Brendan Hall
Brendan Hall shows organisations how to embed a culture that can weather any storm, embrace change, provide safety in uncertainty and develop brilliant, resilient people. In 2009, Brendan skippered the winning yacht in the ultimate long-distance challenge, The Clipper Round the World Yacht race – a 35,000-mile circumnavigation of the globe, contested by amateur crews in identical racing yachts. He didn’t win because he was the best sailor or strategist, but because he created the most engaged and empowered on-board culture, with a compelling vision, strong values and a continuous-improvement mindset.
15.00 Networking Break, Poster Session & Open Exhibition – Sponsored by IFS
15.30 InnovationSession Chair: Miguel Sanchez, Vice President, Rigs (WDI), Weatherford
Automation of Drilling Fluid Measurements: Knut Taugbøl, Leading Advisor, Equinor
Automatic measurements of drilling fluid properties have been introduced by Equinor on several offshore installations, both semi-submersible drilling rigs as well as jack-ups and fixed platforms. The use of these automatic drilling fluid measurements for improved fluid engineering process as well as improved control and efficiency of the drilling process will be presented and discussed.
Smart Contract Prototype Using Blockchain Technology in Real-time Drilling Data: Gleber Teixeira, Advisor, Pedro Esteves Aranha, Claudio Benevenuto de Campos Lima, Rafael Sanfelice, Petrobras, Hubert Fonseca, Intelie
The development of a smart contract web system using the Blockchain technology based on the Ethereum platform will be shown. The prototype uses drilling data from RTO LIVE system that is real-time data analysis platform developed by Intelie in partnership with Petrobras.
Advanced Drilling Automation Improves Consistency & Results in the Permian Basin: Trey Adams, Vice President Operations, Todd Fox, Helmerich & Payne IDC
The current technology evolution and recent results utilizing new technology to automate drilling a stand using a conventional mud motor in the bottom hole assembly will be outlined.
17.00 Adjournment: Jens Hoffmark, Regional Vice President-European Operations
Poster Session & Unassigned Papers of Note:The following paper proposals are presented in the poster session and will be scheduled for presentation if a scheduled paper becomes unavailable. In addition, these presentations will also be made available in the IADC conference proceedings, should the author so desire.
Technology and Procedural Discipline; Assumptions, Facts, Best Practices, Results and Why Airlines don’t use JSA’s: Yarko “J.J.” Sos, Founder/Director, Check-6 Inc.
There is a lot of new technology to get procedures to the front-line worker. Yet, technology as a tool, is not a substitute for accountability. This presentation will explore why procedures aren’t followed, the role of workers in developing the procedures, and most importantly, how leadership invariably affects outcomes of new initiatives.
Value through New Technologies & Practices: Sheriff El-Kholy, Drilling Engineer Team Leader, Dena Hegab, Hussein Mubarak, Wael El-Wakeel, Brain Courtney, Michael Lynch, Ghulam Muiuldin, BP, Tom Banger, Carlo Hoelterling, Osama El Shenoufy, WFD, Robin Boers Maersk Drilling
An introducion to manually operated casing running equipment versus mechanized casing running system that has been recently implemented and used on the Maersk Discoverer offshore rig. The high level of risk associated with personnel intervention operating such heavy equipment and managing more than six people in the red-zone, were the strong motive for piloting the mechanized Casing Running project.
Technology Base Rapid BOP Risk Assessment: Garry Davis, President/CEO BOP Risk Mitigation Services
BOP Risk Mitigation Services, LLC (BRMS) has developed and delivered the first standardized technology-based Rapid Risk Assessment System, Smart-Risk™, which incorporates the BRMS Smart-Sim™ virtual environment simulators, in the industry. This system delivers a full, easy to understand technical review based on design merits and it incorporates both Industry/regulatory considerations.
Drilling Systems Automation Takes Flight: John de Wardt, President Program Manager DSA Roadmap JIP, DE WARDT AND COMPANY, Mark Anderson, Shell (retired), Moray Laing, Halliburton, Robin Macmillan, National Oilwell Varco, John Macpherson, Baker Hughes a GE company
Adoption of Drilling Systems Automation (DSA) is accelerating. Definition of new industry systems architecture illustrate how all companies can set themselves up to participate fruitfully. Decision and control frameworks explain the linkage from rig site to remote to company business. Levels of automation taxonomy provides an industry tool for mapping transitions from manual to automated by cognitive function.
Innovative Digital Well Planing and Engineering Solution Enhances Accuracy and Agility of the Drilling Design Process: Waldemar Szemat, Drilling Business Manager, Adrian Newton, Graeme Paterson, Schlumberger
How this digital well engineering solution design and deployment will transform the well design process by providing a step change in collaboration, concurrent engineering using the best science available, automation and big data analytics will be outlined. Furthermore, the cloud deployed solution challenges will be covered and lessons learnt from usage of the system will also be discussed
Offshore Rig Market Update: Terry Childs, Head of RigLogix, Westwood Global Energy
The offshore rig market continues along a path to recovery, but obstacles are still in place. Utilization and day rates for most rig types in most regions remain stagnant, although some higher rates are expected to be in place shortly. However, with much of the planned drilling not starting until after June 2019, we continue to believe that a more meaningful recovery will not take place until later this year or early 2020.
Conference Program Committee
Adebayo Aremu, KCA Deutag Drilling
Angelo Calderoni, Drillmec SpA
Brett Chandler, NOV Grant Prideco
Nuno Correia, Ensco Rowan plc
Gordon Donald, Northern Offshore Ltd.
Markus Doschek, OMV E&P
Daniel Elias, GALP Energia
Bjørn B. Engedal, Equinor
Josselin Gere, Transocean
Morten Kelstrup, Maersk Drilling
Hege Kverneland, National Oilwell Varco
Shane Marchand, Helmerich & Payne IDC
Celine Martin, Total
Rustom Mody, Baker Hughes, a GE Company
Rob Munger, BP
Francis Nwabudike, Vallourec
Franco Pandolfi, Saipem
Marco Pellei, Hydro Drilling
Miguel Sanchez, WDI
Brian Woodward, Noble Corporation
Jens Hoffmark, IADC
Leesa Teel, IADC
Exhibition Information
The cost of each 2 x 3 meter stand is Euro 2.500. Each standard shell scheme stand will be set with 1 table, 2 chairs, 1 power point, 2 spotlights and 1 fascia with company name. With the stand, you receive 1 complimentary conference registration and up to 2 additional registrations at half price or Euro 400. All registrations are including admission to the conference & exhibition, coffee breaks, luncheons, reception, and access to the conference proceedings.
Exhibitions at IADC events will be limited to showcasing products and services that advance technology, competency or HSE. Exhibitions centered on recruitment or employment should not take space at IADC events. IADC Membership is mandatory for booking an exhibition space at this event. Non-members will receive an USD 200 discount on their IADC Membership when booking exhibition space. IADC Exhibitions will solely be visited by conference attendees. Non-conference attendees are not allowed to enter the exhibition area.
Reservations can be made by completing the letter of agreement and returning it by e-mail: europe@iadc.org
Exhibition space is being allocated on a first come, first served basis!
Click here to view the exhibition floor plan
Click here to download the letter of agreement
For more information, please contact: europe@iadc.org or call +31.24.675.2252
Sponsorship Opportunities
There are four levels of sponsoring: Diamond sponsors, Platinum Sponsors, Gold Sponsors, and Silver Sponsors. Event sponsorships are also available and will be categorized by monetary contribution with the appropriate level of sponsorship. Please find the benefits of the sponsor packages below. The conference sponsor will receive high profile recognition before, during and after the conference.
Diamond Euro 25,000
(10 Comps*)
Platinum Euro 15,000
(5 Comps*)
Gold Euro 12,000
(3 Comps*)
Silver Euro 7,500
(2 Comps*)
Reception Sponsor Euro 12,000
(3 Comps*)
Luncheon Euro 8,000
(2 Comps*)
Brochure Euro 4,000
(1 Comp*)
* Comps refer to number of complimentary registrations
Click here to view complete sponsor packages and benefits
Click here to download the sponsor agreement
For more information and sponsor bookings please contact us at europe@iadc.org or phone: +31.24.675.2252
Conference Venue & Hotel Information
NH Milano Congress Centre
Strada 2A, 20090 Assago MI, Italy
Phone: +39 02 82221
Although the IADC room block has expired, the NH Milano Congress Center can still offer some sleeping rooms upon availability. Please find here a booking link to find out your best price and availability
IADC room block Rate: € 169,- Standard Double/Single Room, Including VAT 10%, Breakfast, excluding city tax. The negotiated IADC room block will expire 1st of May 2019, after this date rooms are upon availability of rooms and prices.
Cancellation Policy: Bedrooms can be cancelled without any penalty until 22 days before arrival, from 21 to 13 days before arrival 50% penalty of entire stay, 14 days before arrival 100% penalty. This special cancellation policy can be found on the first page under the ‘More Information’ button.
Reservations: the room block has expired, there are no rooms available anymore against the negotiated rate of € 169,- .
In case you wish to book a hotel near the city center of Milan, please find here a link which will show you several available hotels and rates.
Warning: Please note that there are several 3rd party companies actively approaching conference delegates and exhibitors by phone and email trying to sell hotel rooms at the contracted hotel for a cheaper rate than the published rate on this conference website. Please note that these companies do not represent IADC or the hotel, nor has IADC or the hotel authorized them to use their names or trademarks on information they send out to exhibitors and delegates.
To avoid being a victim of fraud, please do not give out your credit card details to any other party and be sure to make your hotel reservations exclusively through the contracted hotel.
Press Policy
Complimentary press registration is limited to one (1) person per company. This individual must be a titled editor, writer, reporter or other bona fide editorial representative of a legitimate industry or consumer publication. Publishers and sales and marketing specialists are excluded from this complimentary registration practice and must pay the full conference registration fee to attend an event.
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Event Summary
IADC World Drilling 2019 Conference & Exhibition
Source: iadc.org