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Hydrogen Fuel Cell Roadmap

Posted on July 1, 2021

A consortium of 26 leading companies and associations, led by DNV, has launched the ‘Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels’ to address the uncertainties surrounding hydrogen as ship fuel.

The MarHySafe joint development project (JDP) aims to create a knowledge base for safe hydrogen operations in shipping.

“Green hydrogen is one of the zero carbon fuels that could be vital to meeting the IMO GHG goals, but as with other new fuels, there are still significant challenges regarding its safe and wide-spread implementation,” said Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, CEO DNV Maritime.

Some of the main challenges for hydrogen operations in shipping include the current regulatory framework, which is open to interpretation by different stakeholders, existing knowledge gaps on the safe handling, storing and bunkering of hydrogen, as well as the unique properties of hydrogen that make it challenging to work with.

“This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of what companies need to consider with a hydrogen-fuelled vessel, as well as areas that require further investigation and testing before this technology can be taken up on a larger scale,” said Nathaniel Frithiof, Senior Consultant, Environment Advisory at DNV Maritime and Project Manager for Phase II of MarHySafe.


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