Posted on March 20, 2024
Annual maintenance dredging at Warrenpoint Harbour in County Down will continue until the end of March and possibly into April.
According to Afloat reader Lee Maginnis, residents and visitors to Warrenpoint and, indeed, Omeath have been treated to the sight of the trailing suction dredger “Charlock” hard at work over recent weeks.
The dredging, say the harbour authorities, will ‘secure the safety and accessibility of the shipping channel for commercial and recreational purposes’.
Since the end of February Charlock has been carrying out operations in the approaches and deep-water berths of the inner harbour of Warrenpoint Port, an operation that will take approximately 48 days.
The sleek, grey ship, with a bulbous bow transports dredged material to the WARRENPOINT B licenced sea disposal site outside the lough.
The Charlock is supported by the “Forth Trojan” workboat vessel, which will undertake bed levelling operations.