Posted on May 18, 2017
March 2017 saw Dumez Maroc (VINCI Construction International Network) hand over the new fishing port in Casablanca, a project forming part of a total redevelopment of the port area.
Undertaken on behalf of Morocco’s ports authority, this complex operation – the biggest project ever implemented by the company – enabled Dumez Maroc to deploy all its technical expertise and its skills organisationally and in the management of a particularly hostile environment (heavy swells). The task involved transferring the city’s old fishing port, too small and in poor condition, to a new, larger and more modern site. The works included the creation of a main breakwater (655 lm), a secondary breakwater (535 lm), two quays (323 and 145lm) and 240 lm of floating jetties, as well as the dredging of the trenches, the inner basin and the access channel.
Source: VINCI