Posted on May 20, 2024
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, will begin maintenance projects at the Grand Haven Government Basin and North Pier in Grand Haven, Michigan beginning Wednesday, May 22.
About $1 million will be spent to replenish stone at the rubble mound revetment wall on the eastern edge of the basin, replace aging timber fenders on the basin pier structure, and fill a large concrete void on the North Pier.
“The structures are an important part of federal operations in the Grand Haven area and see daily recreational use. Through this maintenance work, we’ll be able to ensure the structures are functional, resilient and safe for years to come,” said Liz Newell Wilkinson, the operations manager at the Grand Haven Office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District.
The Grand Haven Government Basin is owned by the US Army Corps of Engineers and currently serves as mooring for the US Coast Guard and Ottawa County Sherriff’s Office.
During the construction, the East and West Government Basin Piers will be closed to the public, as well as the lower sidewalk passing between the Corps of Engineers Grand Haven Area Office and the Coast Guard Station. The public will be redirected to follow the sidewalk along South Harbor Drive when moving between the city and Lake Michigan waterfront.
The Grand Haven North Pier, also known as the Grand Haven Fisherman’s Pier, will have a 200-foot buffer area closed near the pier end during work. About 30 cubic yards of concrete, stone, and rebar will be used to fill a void in the breakwater.
Vessels and staff from the Detroit Project Office, located on the Detroit River, are deploying around the Lower Peninsula to Grand Haven to perform the work, including the DPO floating plant that will be used for digging trenches and moving rock during the projects.
“This is a great opportunity for the Detroit and Grand Haven Project Offices to collaborate and be mutually beneficial by keeping our District marine construction skills sharp while improving our facilities, said Pat Kuhne, Corps of Engineers Detroit Project Office operations manager. “We take pride in our deployment capabilities and the ability to work throughout the Great Lakes.”
For safety, the public is asked to follow all signage and staff using directional flags. Construction is expected to occur between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Work is expected to complete by the Fourth of July.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, maintains a navigation system of 81 harbors and channels joining lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, St. Clair and Erie.
To learn more about the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District visit:
The Grand Haven North Pier will be closed to pedestrian and fishing traffic for about 200 feet from the end. This graphic illustration shows the closed area in yellow.