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Gov. Edwards Signs Capital Outlay Bill Funding State Infrastructure Projects

Posted on July 9, 2019

BATON ROUGE – Today, Gov. Edwards signed the 2019 capital outlay bill that provides nearly $1.5 billion in new funding for critical construction and infrastructure improvement projects throughout the state. The governor also exercised his constitutional authority and issued six line-item vetoes in the legislation.

“From road and highway construction to education and coastal restoration projects, the 2019 capital outlay bill prioritizes and funds critical infrastructure improvements across the state,” Gov. Edwards said. “As a result of our firm fiscal footing, we have been able to appropriate more dollars in infrastructure projects that will grow our communities and improve the quality of life in Louisiana.”

Some highlights of the new funding for infrastructure in HB 2 include:

  • More than $300 million for the Department of Transportation and Development
  • Nearly $30 million for airport infrastructure improvements
  • $94 million for construction of roads and bridges
  • Nearly $40 million for water infrastructure projects
  • $31 million in sewer and wastewater improvements
  • $246 million for education construction projects
  • $53 million for the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority


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