Posted on July 14, 2016
The Port of Dover in the UK has made arrangements for representatives of Save our Sands (SOS) and coastal parish and local councils to have the opportunity to attend an Open Meeting with experts from across the country regarding Port of Dover’s Marine Licence Application (MLA) to dredge the Goodwin Sands.
A local open meeting on the MLA will be held at 4pm on 14 July at Discovery Park ‘The Gateway’ venue.
Jack Goodhew, Port of Dover’s Special Projects Manager, will be speaking to give an update on the application. He will be joined by John Baugh and Dave Brew who will be on hand to discuss coastal processes, Lizzie Jolley and Jen Learmouth to discuss ecology and Victoria Cooper to discuss archaeology.
The Port of Dover application, supported by evidence contained in its detailed 1,500 page Environmental Statement, to dredge aggregate from the South Goodwin Sands for the DWDR development has concluded the following:
- Thorough environmental studies
- Completed by world class consultants
- Small proportion to be taken
- 0.22 per cent of the total volume leaving over 99.7 per cent untouched
- No coastal impacts
- Wave heights, tidal current velocities, coastal erosion
- Modelled on 160 per cent of required extraction
- Option with the least overall environmental impact.
Having undertaken extensive engagement already with district and town councils and coastal communities and with key statutory authorities – the open meeting is another demonstration of the Port’s openness regarding the application and an opportunity to present the facts regarding the MLA.
Representatives of SOS and other local coastal parish and local councils can find further details of the Open Meeting on Facebook.