Posted on September 6, 2017
The ENVIROdredge team recently teamed up with our friends at Lake and Wetland Management to complete a pond embankment stabilization project at a private golf course in San Antonio, TX. The project was completed using an innovative new system called Dredgesox™.
According to Best Management Practice guidelines, erosion control devices must provide strength, support new vegetation, retain water nutrients to maintain vegetation, contain safe and biodegradable organic material, and must filter invasive nutrients to protect water quality. After carefully evaluating several shoreline embankment erosion control products it was determined that the Dredgesox™ system met all of these criteria and more.
The Dredgesox™ system also allowed us to use our amphibious work boat to dredge soft sediment materials from the pond into the patented containment system.
Unlike other erosion control systems, Dredgesox™ can be planted through or sodded over, allowing the vegetation to root through the mesh armor creating a new living system.
The project was successfully completed in 3 days with no disruption to golf play and minimal ground disturbance.