Posted on March 3, 2020
Check out the Jupiter Inlet Webcam! A great timelapse of GLDD beach nourishment in action:
GLDD ON LOCATION AT JUPITER/CARLIN BEACH, FL This project was a beach nourishment of the Jupiter/Carlin segment of the Palm Beach County, Florida, Shore Protection Project (SPP). The Federally authorized project covers the Palm Beach County shoreline from the Martin County Line to Lake Worth Inlet and from South Lake Worth Inlet to the Broward County line. The Jupiter/Carlin Segment consists of restoration of approximately 1.1 miles of beach.
The Liberty Island pumped over half a million CY in less than a month. The East coast weather in December and January always presents challenges for the project. The borrow area for the Jupiter/Carlin was located approximately two miles off-shore. #dredging#jupiterinlet