Posted on February 7, 2024
According to GPA, this overpass aims to keep terminal truck traffic from affecting local neighbourhoods. The project is the result of a cooperation between GPA, the city of Savannah, and the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT).
Led by GPA, the initiative began by speaking with residents around Ocean Terminal and hearing their concerns about the impact of increased truck traffic on neighbourhood streets.
The planned overpass will reportedly enable trucks to directly access Route 17 as opposed to using Louisville Road and local streets to enter the highway.
GPA will build the overpass and roadway entry to US 17 in accordance with GDOT specifications, which will be completed in 2026. The roadway will thereafter be turned over to GDOT for maintenance and repair.
President and CEO Griff Lynch, said: “This is a port project in the best interest of the community. We want to keep trucks off local neighborhood roads for safety and sustainability reasons.”
In addition to the overpass and entrance ramp construction to Route 17, GPA will also build a dedicated exit ramp from Route 17 and a new truck-only entrance roadway into Ocean Terminal designed for enhanced safety and traffic operations for the traveling public.