The River Rakti’s navigability crisis in the Bishwambarpur upazila of Sunamganj has reached a critical point due to a lack of dredging. Every day, hundreds of goods-laden boats become stuck in the river, creating significant congestion. Consequently, no freight boats are able to access the markets in the Tahirpur and Bishwambarpur upazilas, causing substantial hardships… Read More
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — If you’ve been to the Virginia Beach Oceanfront lately, you may have noticed there’s quite a bit of work going on. It’s all part of the beach replenishment project in the resort area. The Army Corps of Engineers says its working with the city to protect structures, such as the boardwalk… Read More
PALM BEACH, Fla. — Boaters faced delays Thursday morning as the channel between Singer Island and the town of Palm Beach was temporarily closed for a dredging project aimed at clearing sand buildup. The waterway was shut down from about 7:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. while crews worked to remove sand and install a pipe at… Read More
Mangroves blanket roughly 600 square miles of South Florida’s coastal terrain. This dense grove – one of the largest in the world – is the ecological backbone of the Everglades system. This story is the second installment of a series on NASA’s mission to measure greenhouse gases in Florida’s mangrove ecosystem. Read the first part here…. Read More
SOUTHEASTERN N.C. (WECT) – Over the past winter, three separate beach towns had to postpone beach renourishment projects because of sky-high bids. In Kure Beach, the cost of the bid was almost more than double what they anticipated. Town leaders expected for the project to cost $19.6 million, but the bid came back at $37.5 million…. Read More