Posted on December 1, 2020
Berger Lake in Galeton will soon be one step closer to dredging.
Solicitor Mike Plummer reported at Galeton Borough Council’s meeting Nov. 18 that changes to some wording in the agreement with engineering firm Stiffler McGraw to dredge the lake will be completed soon.
Council reported earlier this year that the lake dredging is expected to take place in winter of 2021-2022, due to the permit process taking a year or longer. The cost of dredging will be covered by a $900,000 state grant, which is secured through June 2021.
Police matters
Council accepted a proposal from Chief Ian Creech, who was appointed chief of police starting in September, for a new body camera. The camera, dock and software cost approximately $1,8000, which will be paid for by donations from community organizations. The software is $878 per year, which council agreed to pay.
Creech presented his monthly report: 13 traffic warnings, three traffic citations, five motorist assists, six ordinance violations, two trespasses, two thefts, one fraud and 12 general complaints. He said internet and telephone scams have been reported recently.
Plummer and councilmember DJ Fuller asked asked Creech about two possible ordinance violations on West Main Street. Creech said he already looked into one of the properties, but will check out the other.
In other business/news:
• Council decided to leave whether to have GLOW this year up to the Galeton Area Chamber of Commerce. GLOW won’t have fireworks this year, but Santa might visit the pavilion. If the Chamber does decide to hold the event, council said they must follow all COVID-19 guidelines for the safety of attendees.
• Opening up borough roads to ATVs was discussed but council decided there’s still a lot of research to be done and left the discussion for another time.
According to the borough’s Facebook page, the borough office is currently closed until further notice due to rising COVID-19 cases. Appointments can be made by calling the office at 814-435-2275.
The next meeting of the Galeton Borough Council is 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 9. It will be announced on the borough’s Facebook page if the meeting will be held on Zoom, as was the Nov. 18 meeting. To request a link to join the meeting, call the borough office.
Source: tiogapublishing