Posted on February 11, 2021
The Solent Freeport and the North East England Freeport are amongst the freeport bids that have been submitted to the UK government.
The Solent Freeport was submitted by the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) on behalf of a coalition of businesses, local authorities and other partner organisations. Bid partners estimate freeport status would help create more than 50,000 jobs and attract £2bn in extra investment. The freeport would also support green growth and decarbonisation, which the LEP has already invested in.
Solent LEP chair, Brian Johnson, said: “We believe we have a compelling case for the Solent Freeport. If this once-in-generation bid is successful, it will directly support the government’s commitment to levelling-up the economy both here in the Solent and across the UK.”
The proposal aims to secure a range of tax and customs sites across the area.
North East England
The North East England Freeport is anticipated to create over 61,000 new jobs, £3.4bn GVA across the local region, £2.7bn in new regional private sector investment and £2.1bn additional UK exports over 10 years.
The regional consortium formed to operate the North East England Freeport includes Nissan, the ports of Tyne, Blyth and Sunderland, Newcastle Airport, seven local and two combined authorities, the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), plus leading north east universities and innovation organisations.
Crucially, the North East England Freeport will comprise a multi-site that is digitally connected and cyber-secure, with robust customs zones. It will include three significant tax sites, totalling approximately 600 hectares.
The deadline for freeport bids was 5 February. At least 10 freeports are expected to be created.
By Rebecca Jeffrey