Posted on November 5, 2015
Finally, after years of waiting, the Intracoastal Waterway dredging project in Fort Lauderdale is about to begin.
According to the Marine Industries Association of South Florida, the waterway dredging project will take place from 17th Street to Sunrise Boulevard.
The Intracoastal dredge will be the largest single public works project for the Florida Inland Navigation District, a special state taxing district tasked with managing and maintaining the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway.
“The Florida Inland Navigation District’s ICW dredging project will provide an extraordinary benefit to Broward County through the infusion of $20 million by increasing the depth of the ICW from the congressionally authorized depth of 10 feet to a new depth of 17 feet to accommodate the vessels that are seeking to visit, reside and retrofit at our local marinas and boatyards,” said Tyler Chappell, the Broward commissioner for FIND.
“These facilities provide direct economic benefit and jobs to Broward County and our local communities. Our commission is extremely proud of the effort and cooperation from Broward County, city of Fort Lauderdale, and the Marine Industries Association of South Florida to make this a reality.”
On October 15, the project’s sponsor, the Florida Inland Navigation District, hosted a community outreach reception with Bob Roscioli at the Roscioli Yachting Center to educate the public about the more than $20 million project.