Posted on June 29, 2020
Flagler County and the City of Flagler Beach have partnered together to focus on making necessary improvements to the 2.6 miles from the north side of South 6th Street to the south side of South 28th Street.
FLAGLER BEACH — The multi-year Flagler Beach dunes restoration project along State Road A1A could be in jeopardy if the county doesn’t meet requirements laid out by the Army Corps of Engineers.
The 2.6-mile project requires property owners with a parcel east of State Road A1A from South 6th Street to South 28th Street, to provide easements to the federal, state and local agencies involved so they can add sand and natural vegetation to the their dunes.
However, a number of residents refuse to sign the easement, which could prevent the $17 million project, which is fully funded with federal and state dollars, from taking place.
“Without the easement, the Army Corps won’t be able to restore the dune for that particular owner,” said Flagler County Attorney Al Hadeed. “Those properties will be cut out from the dune restoration. That presents a risk of a dune breach. It compromises the value of the dollars that are being invested by everyone in developing this protection for us.”
The county has received 118 easements; four are in progress and 19 are outstanding. The deadline is June 30, and it is unknown whether the project will be able to move forward without full participation.
Of the 19 property owners still outstanding, 12 are being represented by the law offices of John M. Leroux, located in Clearwater, Florida.
Leroux was unavailable for comment by the time of publication.
“Ultimately we have to do what Congress told us to do,” said Jason Harrah, senior project manager with U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Jacksonville District. “Congress told us to build a dune without gaps that protects State Road A1A. That’s the goal of this project. We want a solid, non-penetrable dune all the way up the 2.6 mile beach. So having those gaps is a concern. However the official answer would come from our Corp headquarters.”
According to the county’s Shore up the Shore website, the project will reconstruct the eroded dune to extend approximately 10 feet seaward of its present location, and then gently slope down to the surf, extending into the ocean to lengthen the beach.
The project also includes planting native vegetation that has historically grown in Flagler Beach in order to stabilize the dune and provide more habitat for plants and animals.
Efforts have been made to educate residents about the Dune Restoration Project.
“We still have some residents that are outstanding,” Hadeed said. “We are continuing to work on them. But we have pretty much done all we can in terms of educating the property owners.”
He said officials hosted a workshop in October, sent out letters and met with civic groups to get the word out.
“We even dispatched our engineering staff to go to particular properties to answer owner questions,” Hadeed said.
Hadeed said there are a variety of reasons some residents aren’t on board with the project.
“Some are just opposed to the government,” he said. “Some feel that if a hurricane comes and takes everything well, then that’s what was destined to be. There are some who want money. We’re only asking for easements — we’re not asking to take anyone’s land. Plus we’re giving them land that they presently don’t have.”
Some residents believe that the dune restoration project will limit access to the beach.
“I think there are too few access points to the beach,” said Jere Scola, one property owner who hasn’t signed the easement. “Why do I have a house on the beach to get across to it? So with the dune restoration project, it’s going to limit my ability to cross to the beach.”
Scola says he lives in Gainesville and is only in Flagler Beach on the weekends. He was unable to attend any of the public meetings to voice his questions and concerns. He’s considering coming up with an alternative to ensure beach access.
“I’m thinking about talking with neighbors to see about pitching in to put an overpass right over our house jointly,” said Scola.
According to Harrah, the purpose of the easement allows the Corp to come in to restore the beach immediately following a natural disaster.
“Ultimately what we’re doing is getting an easement to be able to access and protect their property,” said Harrah. “In the event there’s a hurricane, we don’t have to try to find all of these displaced residents. We can immediately go in and restore the beach quickly after the storm passes. We’re not trying to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes.”
According to Harrah, State Road A1A is the primary vulnerable piece right along the coastline. It’s the major hurricane evacuation route and it needs to be maintained.
“Simply put, we can’t have a contractor put a piece of equipment on a private parcel without some type of easement,” Harrah said. “And we can’t come back and restore your property after a hurricane without it.”
Source: news-journalonline