Posted on October 28, 2015
By Emma Clarke, TheBulletin
THE business-boosting Gladstone Ports master plan is busy boosting business in all the region’s ports except Rockhampton’s, but Port Alma and Fitzroy Delta have been offered an environmentally friendly incentive for being scrapped from the new plans.
The release of an amended proposed boundary had 88,000 hectares of land under the Port of Gladstone, the majority of the Gladstone State Development Area, part of the Gladstone Regional Council area and marine components covered by the economic plan.
But not Port Alma, the Fitzroy Delta, Keppel Bay or North Curtis Island.
A spokesperson for Minister of State Development and Minister of Natural Resources and Mines Dr Anthony Lynham said development in the greater Fitzroy Delta was prohibited under the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan.