Posted on May 15, 2017
By Repeka Nasiko
LOCAL Government Minister Parveen Kumar has assured Rakiraki residents that dredging works will be carried out at the Vaileka River.
Although he did not give a timeline, he said funding for the dredging works would be provided by the Ministry of Agriculture.
He said following a stakeholder meeting with residents and business owners earlier this year, the removal of silt from the river was a major need for the flood-prone town.
“In that meeting I assured the residents and businesses that phase one was the clearing up of the Penang bridge and its river,” he said.
“The work was carried out by the Ministry of Works and I assured people at the stakeholders meeting that dredging works was needed to be done too.
“I discussed this matter with the Minister for Agriculture (Inia Seruiratu) because dredging comes under his ministry.
“He has agreed to put funds into the dredging of the Vaileka River.
“We are equally concerned about the flooding in Rakiraki and we are going to address this problem.”
Source: The Fiji Times ONLINE