Posted on November 30, 2015
By Zach Murdock, The Island Packet
The first federal permit application for the planned mega-port in Jasper County was filed with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Charleston District on Tuesday.
The filing makes the long-anticipated, $4.5 billion Jasper Ocean Terminal an eventuality, not just a dream, port officials said last week.
“It’s no longer a concept. It’s now becoming a reality,” said state Sen. Tom Davis, R-Beaufort, who has worked on the port since he was chief of staff for then-Gov. Mark Sanford. “Now you can break some eggs and make an omelet.”
“The clock starts ticking when we submit this first letter to the Corps of Engineers in Charleston,” added David Posek, chairman of the Joint Project Office that is overseeing the port’s development. “Legally we have now asked the federal government that we want to build this facility. It’s a reality in that sense. I’m excited, too.”