Posted on December 7, 2015
By David Barnicoat, thePacket
AS yet another year comes to an end the question of whether or not the port gets the go-ahead from the Marine Management Organisation in the near future for the capital dredging project still hangs in the air. The harbour commissioners were expecting to make some kind of announcement this month regarding dredging. Once dredged Falmouth could handle 100,000 ton cruise ships. A&P Falmouth and the commissioners can take some solace from the fact that the port is not alone in not being able to welcome larger ships.
More than 60 per cent of the ports that make up Cruise Europe cannot take mega-cruise ships (100,000 tons plus) according to the organisation’s chairman Captain Mike McCarthy.
Cruise Europe, of which Falmouth is a member, has over 100 member ports within Northern and Atlantic Europe. The four regions – Norway, Iceland and the Faroes, The Baltic, UK and Ireland and Europe’s West Coast offer a diversity of experiences for passengers.