Posted on August 27, 2017
By Ginette Davies, CornwallLive
Falmouth harbour’s multi-million pound dredging project has hit another stumbling block as the organisation which will make the final decision raises concerns over the potential damage to the environment.
It was hoped a decision would have been made earlier this year, giving approval in principle so the project could go forward, but it is now unlikely to happen until late autumn.
The Marine Management Organisation (MMO), a Government body, will have the final say on whether it feels there will not be significant harm to the environment by digging up 700,000 tonnes of silt from the seabed.
The MMO has resisted calls for dredging, saying it would have a negative impact on the maerl beds, areas of coralline algae which lie within a special area of conservation (SAC).
Last year those behind the project submitted an updated Habitats Regulation Assessment of the potential impact, which the decision hinges on, and asked the MMO to review it along with all the other updated evidence.
But Falmouth Harbour Commissioners (FHC), which is leading the application, said the MMO disagreed over the interpretation of case law – law set out in similar previous situations.
“Following discussion of the MMO’s draft response to this request earlier this year (May 2017) it was evident that there was disagreement over the application of case law which led to both parties reaching different conclusions,” said FHC chief executive Mark Sansom.
“We have now agreed with the MMO to jointly commission an independent consultant to provide an impartial review of the interpretation of the case law relevant to this proposal and report their findings to both parties.”
The dredging project, which is seen as vital for the docks business to grow and move forward, was first put forward 16 years ago but permission has still not been granted.
A&P Falmouth, which manages the dockyard, and FHC have always maintained that in order for the business to move forward, dredging must happen. Without it, they said, the yard may not survive.
They argue that Cornwall as a whole reaps the benefits of the dockyard’s success, as well as Falmouth. It has a turnover of about £50 million a year and A&P said that it alone spends about half that much in the local economy.
One of the biggest problems is that because of the depth of the seabed and the fact ships are getting larger, many cannot get from the bay to the wharves, which means some ship repair work going elsewhere and cruise liners not visiting because passengers have to be ferried ashore in smaller boats.
Mr Sansom said: “We have been in contact with the MMO to identify where we have a difference of opinion on the way the case law is applied and try to agree on it.
“We have had several exchanges about the way they think and the way we think and we disagree. We are trying to get to a common position before they firm up their view.”
He said it was a “complex process” and until this issue was resolved, any further work on the project has halted.
“We expect a result in the autumn,” he added. “That will decide what work needs to be done. If the (independent consultant) agrees with us, we will be in an entirely different position.
“The habitat regulation and assessment test has always been fundamental obstacle to be resolved. Whichever way it goes, it is an easier process if we agree.”
But he said the urgency of getting permission has lessened after the Growth Deal pulled its funding for the scheme.
“This project always been difficult to talk about milestones,” he said. “But as long as we are discussing it with the MMO, it’s work in progress. We are trying to resolve the questions around it.
“I have been doing this an awfully long time and there have been various positives moves and setbacks. It is really difficult to know how these things will turn out, but I am concentrating on what needs to be done now.”
Source: CornwallLive