Posted on May 19, 2016
By Helen Dale, thePacket
Falmouth Harbour Commissioners will be hosting a public exhibition next Wednesday, May 25, to outline the reasons they are pushing forward with plans to dredge a deep water channel into the port.
The exhibition will take place at The Poly, and is intended to help people understand the thinking behind the proposal to dredge and explain what a deeper approach channel into Falmouth Docks would mean.
Last week, FHC reached a crucial milestone in the proposal to dredge the channel by submitting comprehensive information about the potential environmental impacts of dredging Falmouth Harbour to the Government’s marine licensing body, the Marine Management Organisation.
The submission will now be reviewed by the MMO who will be asked to undertake an “appropriate assessment” which is a requirement of the Habitats Regulations. The outcome of this will determine whether the application for a license to dredge will be renewed. The submission is the culmination of nearly five years of hard work which included a trial dredge to test the effectiveness of the proposed mitigation.
The exhibition is open to anyone wishing to attend and will be held at between 1pm and 5pm. Speakers will then present further detail about the proposal between 5.45pm and 7pm. Spaces for the presentation are limited, so contact events@falmouthharbour.co.uk to book a place.
Source: thePacket