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EPA to Conduct More Post-dredging Studies of Hudson River

Posted on January 31, 2018

The federal Environmental Protection Agency says it will conduct additional studies of the Hudson River as it considers the effectiveness of a $1.7 billion Superfund cleanup.

The agency Monday said it will conduct supplemental studies of the lower river and has begun analyzing 1,800 sediment samples taken by New York state, which contends more work is needed.

The federal agency is finalizing a five-year review of the cleanup conducted by General Electric.

GE completed removal of 2.75 million cubic yards of polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated sediment from a 40-mile stretch of the river in 2015. A GE spokesman said Monday the company met or exceeded all of its obligations.

EPA regional administrator Pete Lopez said it was “imperative” for the agency to expand its efforts to ensure the river is fully remediated.


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