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Elbe fairway – Royal Boskalis withdraws legal complaint

Posted on April 15, 2019

Royal Boskalis has withdrawn its legal complaint about the tender process for the dredging works in the Elbe river fairway in Hamburg

Royal Boskalis has withdrawn its legal complaint about the tender process for the dredging works in the Elbe river fairway in Hamburg. No reason was given for its volte face.

The case, which posed the threat of substantial further delay to the project, was due to be heard in the Higher Regional Court in Düsseldorf.

The dredging work can thus commence as planned during Q2 2019. Due to the tight schedules involved, a court case could have delayed the whole process by up to one year.

Michael Kruse ,leader of the opposition party FDP (Liberals) in the Hamburg Parliament, wants the city to form a special infrastructure company to ensure coordination between all relevant authorities.

Port Senator Michael Westhagemann commented: “The road is now clear to order the dredging work to commence for the fairway adjustment of the Elbe river. By the end of 2019 shipping will enjoy the first benefits.”

The total dredge volume will amount to 32M m3 and the cost is expected to be around €238M. The work, being undertaken by Nordsee Dredging International, will start with preparation of the new passing box.


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