Posted on May 18, 2021
The Suez Canal Authority said in a statement that two dredgers (the 10th of Ramadan Dredger and Mashhur dredgers) have been used in the expansion works at 122 kilometers of the Suez Canal.
Those to be added to the parallel Suez Canal introduced in 2015 extending over 72 kilometers. Similarly, the authority is also enlarging the depth from 127 meters to 172 meters.
On March 23, the Ever-Given ship went aground in the 151 km of the Suez Canal, where the vessels in both directions pass, causing the suspension of the international maritime navigation through the canal for six days.
After it was freed on March 29, the ship was escorted to the Bitter Lakes for technical inspection, crew interrogation, and black box analysis. Since then, the ship is still in the Lakes until reaching an agreement between the authority and the shipowners on compensation for the costs of the accident.