Posted on August 2, 2023
Edmonds Marsh restoration work continued Saturday through an all-volunteer project to restore freshwater flows in the marsh.
In past years, volunteers removed chain-link fencing along Highway 104 that was blocking Shellabarger Creek as well as removing the nightshade that used the chain-link to spread into the marsh. This year’s focus — running between July 15 and Sept. 15 — is on removing the bitter-sweet nightshade that is in the creek channel in the body of the marsh.
The next scheduled volunteer work parties are Wednesday, July 26; Saturday, July 29 and Saturday, Aug. 5 from 9-11 a.m. Any volunteer 15 years or older who wants to participate in the manual removal of nightshade in a wetland (wet/muddy area) should contact joe.scordino@yahoo.com.

Aerial view of Edmonds Marsh restoration volunteers in the work area.

Volunteers pulling nightshade.

Volunteers find lots of mud.