Posted on May 30, 2017
Another nearly $2 million will be coming to Chautauqua County for dredging two local harbors.
On Friday, Rep. Tom Reed has announced an additional $675,000 in funding for Barcelona Harbor and an additional $1.19 million for Dunkirk Harbor to aid with dredging projects.
“We care about supporting jobs, trade, recreation and tourism in our communities. Our harbors provide significant economic activity for the region and its part of our job to make sure we protect those vital waterways,” Reed stated.
The harbor projects are authorized by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. Each dredging project will assist in correcting safety issues and prevent negative economic impacts locally and regionally.
The Barcelona Harbor is used for charter and commercial fishing, a charter diving operation and the recreational boating community. Dunkirk Harbor supports charter fishing and recreational boating.
“I am thrilled to hear this needed funding is coming to Chautauqua County. I would like thank our federal representatives, especially Congressman Reed for working with us directly. I appreciate his strong advocacy and his recognition of the critical need to maintain our Lake Erie harbors. They are vitally important to our economy,” said George Borrello, Chair of the Lake Erie Management Commission.
“We are very grateful for the additional funding for dredging of the Barcelona Harbor,” stated Martha Bills, Westfield Town Supervisor. “We are so pleased to be able to keep our harbor fully functional, and we appreciate the assistance of Congressman Reed and our federal representatives who have been with us every step of the way. This is wonderful news!”
“This is absolutely fabulous news. The hard work of Congressman Reed has continued to pay off. Our harbors in Dunkirk and Barcelona are critical areas for commercial fishing and recreation, and we are thrilled with this news,” added County Executive Vince Horrigan.
“The Dunkirk Harbor is one of our city’s greatest assets, and we have been working to improve it to meet its greatest potential. The dredging of the federal channel will mean increased commercial fishing and will bring more visitors to our Harbor. Our Harbor Commission and Marina Operator are working with the city to provide additional opportunities for recreational activities, and this funding for dredging will certainly help to reach that goal. We are grateful to Congressman Reed and our federal officials for working with us to secure the funding,” said Willie Rosas, the mayor of Dunkirk.
The federal channel at Dunkirk Harbor has not been dredged since 2009.