Posted on March 23, 2017
Dredging in the Intracoastal Waterway and Carolina Beach Inlet Crossing will cause certain campsites and beach areas to close.
The US Army Corp of Engineers will start placing dredge pipe on Freeman Park south to Zone 10 and due to the small travel lane between Zone 10 and Zone 19, there will be no room for additional vehicles.
The beach area and campsites north of Zone 10 will be closed between the first week of April and continue through May 1st.
The actual dredging will only take a couple of weeks.
The sediment from the dredging will be placed south of Zone 10 going towards the pier. The Town of Carolina Beach says the Corps will not allow sand to be placed between Zone 10 and Zone 19 at the pinch point due to how close it is to the inlet. It is their belief that any sand placed in this area will immediately be transported by the currents into the inlet and defeat the purpose of the dredging.
During the project, the contractor will close other portions of Freeman Park where the dredge spoils are being deposited for the safety of the public. As soon as the project is complete and the equipment is removed the town will re-open the north end of Freeman Park.
This is not the first time dredging has closed certain sections of Freeman Park. Last February, sections were closed for more beach renourishment.
Source: WWAY