Posted on May 22, 2019
Dredge Yard continuously investigates and develops dredging equipment that is reliable, durable and eco-friendly. We strive to reduce environmental footprint and increase efficiency to achieve high quality equipment at the lowest cost for the client and the environment. Accordingly, we have previously introduced our adaptive auger head system, and in the first quarter of 2019, we launched our dredger series ECO 150.
However, dredging operations can also be risky for people involved. This is especially true for dredger operators, service and maintenance employees. The risks are raised by a variety of factors. For example, exposure to rough weather conditions and heavy machinery. Nevertheless, high safety standards, dedicated crew training and reliable equipment can ensure dredging safety for both – the environment and people involved.
What is safety in dredging?
When safety is discussed in the context of dredging, it can include multiple aspects. Namely, health and safety of people involved, dredger quality, and finally, protection of the environment. Fortunately, the importance of all safety aspects is receiving increasingly more attention in the dredging industry. Currently, most dredging equipment is developed with safety and sustainability in mind. We at Dredge Yard, also have a vision of a dredging industry, which offers a safe, healthy and accident-free work place. Therefore, we promote safety awareness and create possibilities for safer dredging work through our equipment.
Maintaining high safety standards and strict procedures on-board dredger vessels is vital. Whether it is during testing or dredging operation, safety procedures contribute to an accident-free workplace. There are safety measures that have become a standard across many industries. An example of this is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). PPE describes equipment such as high visibility vests, safety glasses and other work wear. While it is a simple principle, PPE has become a crucial part of safety at work. Its introduction led to an extensive decrease in accidents on work sites. In addition to PPE, safety standards can be assessed through a variety of different codes and conventions such as International Organization for Standards (ISO), OHSAS or ISM.
Operators on board an Auger ECO 200 wearing PPE
Compliance with safety standards has become a high priority for all those involved in the dredging industry. IADC knowledge centre provides a thorough insight and explanations about the different standardization codes and conventions.
Safety standards
A large part of safety standards must be followed and implemented during dredging operation itself. Yet, there are factors starting at dredger design, engineering and manufacturing, which can contribute to dredging operation safety.
Dregde Yard’s Auger Dredger Inspection
At Dredge Yard “we want to involve our customers and suppliers in all our activities from the very early stage of the projects. We do this to ensure timely delivery, cost-effective production, low maintenance, low operation cost and high reliability of the products. Our customers are encouraged to witness any test in our production facilities.” (Basel Yousef, Dredge Yard CEO).
“Our customers are encouraged to witness any test in our production facilities” (Basel Yousef, Dredge Yard CEO)
Aside from the mentioned advantages, client involvement from the early stage allows our team to gain detailed insights to the client’s project. In this way, our team can identify and advice on project needs, that the client may not be aware of themselves at that stage. As an example, this can include specialized safety features, such as an adaptive auger head design rather than a standard auger solution.
Dredge ball joint testing
Dredge Yard’s safety initiatives
In addition to close client relationships, we strive to contribute to safe dredger operations in a variety of ways, some of which are overviewed below.
- We follow strict ISO and ASTM standards, as well as execute a variety of quality tests in multiple iterations.
- We manufacture small, economic dredgers. Therefore, most of our dredgers are easily transported in a single, standard 40” container or on a flatbed truck. In this case, no assembly is required. Our larger dredgers are easily (dis)assembled in 3 parts through bolt connections. As a result, launching any one of our dredgers does not require any complex or potentially hazardous operations.
- Our dredgers are easy to operate with joystick controls. Additionally, all information regarding dredging work is displayed on a control panel. This means that the dredging operation is simple. Additionally, the operator is not required to leave the cabin, as he has a good overview of dredging activity at all times.
- In addition to easy operation, our dredger cabins are equipped with all necessities to ensure operator’s safety and comfort. As an example, it is mounted on vibration isolation pads and supplied with noise reduction, ventilation/heating, railings and more. Additional features can also be installed upon request.
- Upon dredger purchase, we can provide on-site crew training on how to operate and maintain an ECO dredger. Training includes, but is not limited to: overseeing launch of the dredger; dredge operation and performance optimization training; dredger check-up & maintenance training. Since our dredgers are small and easy to operate, training is quick and efficient.
Training in progress
- Our service team is always available to identify minor or major technical issues over the phone, by e-mail, or come directly to your project site if needed.
- Our dredgers can be supplied with any other additional safety features depending on your project conditions and requirements.
- We also continuously work on developing new dredging solutions and components to incorporate in our standard dredger design for improved safety. For example, our cutter head teeth are designed with bolt connection for safe and quick maintenance through hammerless operation. Another example includes our dredge ball joints, which are designed with a gland (locking ring) for easy (dis)coupling of dredge pipes. By applying continuous improvements to our standard dredging equipment, we make sure that the dredger is efficient, safe and increasingly environmentally friendly.
Dredging for safety
While dredging involves certain risks, it is an important process, which can be used to ensure safety for the environment and people. For example, deepening of rivers and waterways is used as a form of flood control. Environmental dredging removes contaminated sediments in a controlled manner, to ensure safe water reserves and protection of natural habitats.
Contaminated sediments in nature
Achieving complete safety in the dredging industry requires constant development and innovation of new solutions. In order to encourage this, IADC created the IADC Safety Award. This initiative is used to raise safety awareness, as well as to reward companies for their innovation or practices that illustrate special attention to, or overall contribute to safety in the dredging industry.
We are constantly in the development of new, safer dredging components and solutions to upgrade our standard dredger design. Follow our news page, or social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) to stay updated with our company news. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us by filling in the form below!