Posted on June 24, 2024
MILLSBORO, Del. — A significant dredging project near Millsboro is set to commence in just over a week, aiming to improve the channel along the Indian River on the town’s east side.
According to the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, the project intends to remove up to 40,000 cubic yards of sediment and restore 15 acres of tidal wetlands on Millsboro property.
As CoastTV News previously reported, DNREC is teaming up with the Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program and the Shoreline and Waterway Management Section to maintain navigable waterways and restore local wetlands.The agency says restoration efforts will include treating invasive phragmites to promote the growth of native high marsh vegetation.
Residents and visitors are advised to plan accordingly as the project aims to enhance the environmental health and navigability of the area. Construction crews will work from Monday through Thursday and access to the channel will be highly restricted during this period.
The project is slated to start on July 1 and must be completed by the end of February 2025.
For more information, visit the project page on DNREC’s website.