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Dredging Project Complete at Sinnemahoning State Park

Posted on July 6, 2017

By Alex Davis, The Bradford Era

A major dredging project at the George B. Stevenson Dam at Sinnemahoning State Park is completed, an official announced this week.

Workers are now finishing paving the boat launch area along with the main park road from the boat launch area to the top off Goss Road and rechanneling Brook’s Run stream to prevent sediment and rubble build-up in the boat launch area, park manager Lisa Bainey said.

“We have completed a new launch pad and are in the process of completing stream bank restoration along the handicap access road and mooring area,” she said. “The wet weather has slowed us down a bit but we are anticipating an opening of the boat launch by Aug. 4, if not sooner.”

The multimillion-dollar project had called for sediment removal, or dredging, to occur at the northern end of the reservoir and around the boat launch area. The work covered the northern reaches of the lake from Lushbaugh Run down to the handicap accessible fishing platform.

The lower portion of the lake has continued to be open for fishing near the dam breast on the north side of the trash booms and Short Bend Run along the eastern lake shoreline. In an effort to decrease sedimentation in the boat launch area, Brooks Run stream will be reverted to its pre-1950s pathway.

Shoreline stabilization is intended to improve fishing access and decrease erosion, officials say. The project involves saw-tooth extensions being constructed to provide better access to fishing and rip-rap stone to help to stabilize the shoreline.

All told, the project will enhance the habitat for the fish and other aquatic species, officials previously said.

The $23 million project is being covered by funds from the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, a H2O PA grant and capital money.

Source: The Bradford Era

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