Posted on March 29, 2016
This year the state enterprise of waterways “Ukrvodshliah” plans to carry out dredging of limiting stretches of navigable channel of the Dnieper river. Currently, a tender for choosing a contractor organization is being held. The results of the tender will be announced no later than April 08, 2016. The state enterprise “Ukrvodshliah” intends to start dredging in the 2nd quarter and complete all works till the end of the year.
According to the project, dredging will be carried out in the area of Dnieper river channel from Komsomolsk (Poltava region) to Dneprodzerzhinsk (Dnepropetrovsk region).
As a reminder, grain market operators have been discussing dredging on the Dnieper river for quite a long time. In summer 2015 Ukrainian Ministry of Infrastructure planned to start dredging on the Dnieper and allocated UAH 50 million of budgetary funds for these purposes. However, all necessary permits were not obtained. Without waiting for dredging on Dnieper, in October 2015 Nibulon company, one of the largest Ukrainian grain exporters, which owns a developed logistics infrastructure, including a network of river terminals, began its own dredging operations on the Southern Buh river to increase grain shipments by river transport for exports.