Posted on December 1, 2016
Work to clean up the Cuyahoga (ky-uh-HOH’-guh) River shipping channel resumed this month after the Army Corps of Engineers failed to dredge the six-mile passage last year.
Cleveland.com reports the $3.7 million project began Nov. 14 at the six-mile mark of the channel near the ArcelorMittal steel mill docks in Cleveland. There, a buildup of sediment has threatened to block the strait and prevent ships from unloading cargo.
The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and the Port of Cleveland filed a motion accusing the Army Corps of intentionally allowing the sediment backlog to pressure local officials into accepting an open lake disposal.
Corps spokesman Andrew Kornacki says he can’t comment due to a pending federal lawsuit over payment for the dredging.
The Army Corps has until Dec. 7 to respond.
Source: The Journal Gazette