Posted on October 20, 2016
In the framework of the project on construction of anchoring piles at Passenger Port of Saint-Petersburg, the company is planning dredging works at Berths No 6 and No 7, Aleksei Panfilov, Commercial Director General of Passenger Port of Saint-Petersburg «Marine Façade» PLC, told IAA PortNews.
He says the works will be performed by FSUE Rosmorport in 2018. The design is to be completed in 2016, the first phase (pre-dredging) will be implemented in 2017.
The project implementation will let accommodate two 330-meetr long vessels simultaneously.
Passenger Port of Saint-Petersburg «Marine Façade» PLC is in the ownership of the city of St. Petersburg and is the largest passenger seaport in Russia. Construction of Marine Façade began in 2006. The port can accommodate cruise and ferry ships of up to 330 m long and with a draft of up to 8.8 m. The length and depth of new access channels – 10 km and 11 m, accordingly. The port operates seven piers. The quay-side length – 2,171.06 m.
Source: PortNews