Posted on January 17, 2017
By Kalesi Mele, The Fiji Times ONLINE
DECISIONS concerning wo¬rks to be conducted at the Sigatoka River are reserved for traditional qoliqoli (fishing grounds) ow¬ners, says Nadroga/Navosa provincial administrator Buatavatava Ravoka.
After approval by the Sigatoka tikina (district) council for dredging works to start at the Sigatoka River mouth, some community members living along the river raised their concerns on the possible environment impact.
They were advised by the Sigatoka tikina council chairman Ratu Osea Bolawaqatabu that the meeting was only for tikina council members and that their concerns should be raised at a separate forum planned for next week.
“This is a tikina council meeting and questions and comments that should be raised should only be from council members,” he said.
Land and Water Resource Management technical officer Epineri Dalituicama revealed that workers for the contractor China Railway noticed dead fish in the area prior to the test runs they conducted within the month of December.
Community members at the meeting disagreed with the assessment.
Resident Angie Lal denied the claim.
“I live there and this was after they started works,” she claimed.
Mr Dalituicama maintained that works carried out in December last year were only test runs and there was minimal threat to livelihoods.
“We haven’t even begun works so how can there be threats already?” he said.
Another resident, Tevita Kunalagi, asked why youths in affected villages and communities were not informed of the council’s intentions, seeing that they had been requesting that the process be conducted for 20 years.
Mr Dalituicama said they held consultations twice in 2012.
Source: The Fiji Times ONLINE