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Dredging, capping operation for Fox River PCB cleanup on track to end this year

Brennan Marine employees work from a dredging barge removing PCBs from the Fox River just south of the Ray Nitschke Memorial Bridge in downtown Green Bay. (Photo: Jim Matthews/USA TODAY NETWORK-W)

Posted on June 18, 2019

GREEN BAY — Take a good long look at that sand barge working near the Walnut Street Bridge this week.

After this summer, you may never see another out there.

The barge is depositing sand over still-toxic areas at the bottom of the Fox River, part of the cleanup operation that has been working from De Pere to the mouth of the river for the last 10 years. This is shaping up to be the final year of the cleanup operation.

The operation has involved digging up toxic areas, drying the dug-up sediment, treating the water and returning it to the river, and taking the toxic sediment to a special land fill south of town.

In several areas where dredging isn’t feasible, sand and stone are being deposited as a permanent cap.

Here are some things to know about the operation:

Why are they doing it, anyway?

Back in the 1950s, NCR manufactured carbonless copy paper by use of polychlorinated biphenyls or PCBs, which were later found to be harmful to people and wildlife. Area paper companies using NCR’s recycled paper in their manufacturing process ended up spreading PCBs throughout Little Lake Butte des Morts and the Fox River. After prolonged legal wrangling, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency got area paper companies and a few other entities to agree to pay to clean it all up.

What’s it cost, and who all is paying?

Under a settlement worked out by the U.S Department of Justice and the EPA, NCR will be primarily responsible for 65 percent of the estimated $1.2-billion cleanup, with help from Appvion, formerly Appleton Papers. The two have had their own legal issues over how to share that cost.

Two other paper companies, Georgia-Pacific Corp. and Glatfelter, each are responsible for 12 percent, and the remaining 11 percent will be covered by a variety of other paper companies, municipalities and their waste-water treatment facilities and other agencies deemed responsible for spreading the problem over the years.

Who’s doing the actual cleanup?

A company called Tetra Tech is the prime contractor. The on-the-water portion of the operation is being conducted by J.F. Brennan Co. of La Crosse, the subcontractor hired to remove or cover sediment.

Why am I’m just now seeing the sand barge?

Cleanup began in the 1990s in the Neenah-Menasha area and has been working its way northward ever since. It’s been on the lower Fox since 2009 and only got into the downtown Green Bay area about a two years ago.

Typically, crews have been pumping sand by pipeline to the areas where it’s needed, but as the operation winds down, they have been taking sand by barge to the site where equipment is scooping it up and putting it down.

What have they accomplished?

Last week, the barges dredged 24,123 cubic yards of sediment, processed about half of it and landfilled the rest, discharged 29,170,000 gallons of treated water, and covered 3.24 acres of river bottom with sand.

The project dredged 136,293 cubic yards of sediment so far this season and capped 11.82 acres of river bottom.

Since 2009, more than 5.4 million cubic yards dredged and around 700 acres covered in sand, when the project began. Around 9 billion gallons of water have been treated and returned to the river.

When will they finish?

Seasonally, the crews have been off the water as soon as the ice is off the river and finish each year before the first freeze. This is expected to be the cleanup efforts final year, but it’s too early to tell whether workers will need the entire season to finish up.


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