Posted on August 15, 2016
Controversial plans to dredge Falmouth harbour have hit a major setback, after a funding bid was turned down.
An application went in for a slice of government cash to help pay for the project, but the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Enterprise Partnership has decided not to include it in its bid.
A spokesperson said: “The LEP invited expressions of interest in the third round of Growth Deal in September last year and received 143 applications. Following a rigorous assessment process that number has come down to around 46 projects seeking £126 million of public money. Because it is a competitive process, projects are expected to demonstrate a compelling evidence-based business case if they are to be taken forward.
“The full LEP Board discussed the Falmouth dredging proposal at length at its meeting on 20 July. While some £19m of potential port infrastructure projects in Falmouth have been put forward as part of the bid, the decision was made not to submit the dredging project at this time. The Board did not feel that, as presented, there was a sufficiently robust business case to justify asking Government to spend public money on dredging as part of this competitive process.”
Sandra Rothwell, chief executive of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership, added: “Falmouth makes an important contribution to the local economy and we have put forward £19m of projects in the port for potential Growth Deal investment, including the development of marine renewable energy. However, we did not feel that the business case for dredging was sufficiently strong to include it in a very competitive bidding process, so it has not gone forward in this round.
“We know there will be disappointment but we had to ensure that we submitted the strongest bid possible with the best chance of success. We have offered to meet with partners in the project with Sarah Newton MP to discuss the project further.”
Dave Ellis, chairman of Falmouth Harbour Commissioners was indeed disappointed: ” We have worked hard on developing the case but fully understand that it is a competitive bid process and the LEP must take into account all the information available and the particular circumstances of each expression of interest received.
“Putting forward a case for funding for a project of this scale, that requires both public and private investment, is complicated. We remain convinced that the benefits of dredging, to the Port and local economy, are fundamental to ensuring the future prosperity of the Port and we stand ready to work with partners should an alternative funding stream be identified.
“We would stress that this decision relates to a potential funding proposal for the project and is not related to our application for consents to undertake the work. We are anticipating that a decision relating to the environmental consents for the application will be made by the Marine Management Organisation in the near future and remain hopeful that this will clear the way for these works to be undertaken once funding has been identified.”
Sarah Newton MP has promised to what she can to support the dredging: “I have seen first-hand the persistent and determined effort, led by the Falmouth Harbour Commissioners, to future proof the port. I am looking forward to meeting the CEO of A&P along with the Chief Executive of the Local Enterprise Partnership to discuss a way forward for funding the dredging project.
“While I understand the disappointment with the LEP’s recent decision, I am pleased that they have stated that they “recognise the tremendous contribution Falmouth Docks makes to the local economy” and say that they “will continue to target investment to support marine-related activity, including the emerging Low Carbon Enterprise Zone that will support the development of marine renewable energy at Falmouth and other sites in Cornwall.
“I am also pleased that the LEP are taking forward plans for a further £19m investment into the port, including two bids from A&P.”
Source: PirateFM