Posted on April 4, 2016
By Richard Clayton, Fairplay
Our climate is changing, that’s for sure. The big debate is about how much mankind is responsible for it. All over the world horrendous flooding has taken away communities, connections, and livelihoods; elsewhere, coastal erosion has stepped up a gear: shore lines are receding apace while material is being deposited across vital waterways. Several solutions have been tried. Those who seem to have been most successful are those who tried to understand how nature worked, and used nature to create sustainable solutions.
The same thinking is being applied to dredging. In an interview with Dredging and Port Construction before his three-year term of office ends in June, World Organization of Dredging Associations (WODA) chairman Ram Mohan welcomes a more nature-friendly attitude. People are realising, at last, that it’s no use fighting against nature when you can work with it, he says.