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Dredging at Langan Park slated to start this year

Dredging at Langan Park slated to start this year

Posted on July 17, 2024

It’s mostly geese and ducks that take a dip in the lake at Langan Park these days, but after an 18-month dredging project is completed, city leaders hope more people enjoy the water.

“It’ll be able to be boated through, so you’ll be able to kayak and canoe in there,” said Jennifer Greene, Mobile’s Director of Programs and Project Management. “Dredging will clear away some of the nuisance algae.”

The bidding process will begin at the end of summer and work is expected to start by the end of the year. Crews will dredge the sediment that’s flowed into the lake over time.

“It’s a large project, 350,000 cubic yards of sediment is going to be removed from the lake,” said Greene.

Greene says in the last couple of years they’ve been working upstream in Twelve Mile Creek addressing the issues created in Langan Lake.

“We’re already seeing a 70% reduction and sedimentation coming down in there. It’s very successful,” said Greene.

The average depth of the lake will be between three to five feet deep.


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