Posted on June 16, 2022
The Waterfire Dredging Project (the “Project”) consists of dredging approximately 35,000 cubic yards of a sand/silt material from the Providence River, Rhode Island starting at the Crawford Street bridge and extending to approximately the Point Street bridge. The dredging limits extend from bank to bank and will be four feet (plus 0.5 foot allowable overdredge) deep on the mean low water datum. These limits will restore the river to its historically dredged limits and depth to improve ecological function, including fish passage, circulation, and navigation. The sediments contain significant amounts of plastic trash (ie bags, bottles) and other debris that will need to be separated as much as possible and then legally disposed.
The successful bidder will be expected to commence work on or about November 1, 2022 (if needed preparation work at the Quay can begin October 15), the available dredge window beginning November 15, 2022 – January 31, 2023 and will be responsible for securing a project laydown and office area at the dredge site. The contactor will have area available at the Quay area for laydown, pipe assembly and other needs. Full Request for bids can be found via the following link: Please note there is a mandatory pre-bid conference to be held at the site, on 6/30/2022 at 1330. The conference will start at the intersection of Crawford Street and South Water Street in Providence, RI 02906. All bids are due by 12:00 PM on July 15, 2022. For additional questions please contact Scott Comings at