Posted on March 17, 2025
Today, the Cod Fish II made its long-awaited transit from the Sandwich Boat Basin to Falmouth, en route to the upcoming Popponesset Approach Channel dredging project in Mashpee.
This journey began back on March 4th, departing from Sesuit Harbor in Dennis.
However, deteriorating weather conditions forced the dredge to take refuge at the Sandwich Boat Basin, awaiting a safe weather window—which finally arrived today!
The Cod Fish II will layover tonight in Green Pond, Falmouth. Tomorrow, it will move just along the shore to pick up the dredge pipe, which will be towed to the Popponesset Approach Channel.
Dredging will commence as soon as the dredge is on station.
All photos were captured today between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM by Leverman Chris Armstrong, offering a glimpse into the journey and preparations underway.

Passing under the Bourne Bridge

Passing by the MMA Patriot State

Passing by Cleveland Ledge Lighthouse

Passing by Nobska Lighthouse in Falmouth

The Dredge Cof Fish II

The Pushboat Sandman looking at the Elizabeth Islands