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DNV and Nakilat JDP works to improve vessel software reliability and quality

Posted on August 5, 2021

Nakilat, a global leader in energy transportation, Classification Society DNV, and a group of leading yards and system suppliers have teamed up on a joint development project (JDP) to elevate software reliability and maintenance during operations, according to the company’s release.

The JDP, which was initiated in 2020 by Nakilat, has resulted in the launch of a new DNV Recommended Practice (DNV-RP-0582), published in June 2021. Today, critical vessel functions rely heavily on computerized software-based systems that are becoming more complex, automated and integrated. Software failures or reliability issues can now result in significant safety risks, as well as lost revenue due to off-hire days.

To help address these risks, DNV and Nakilat brought together shipyards with system suppliers – ABB, Honeywell, Kongsberg and Wärtsilä + Hudong-Zhonghua, to contribute to the development of the RP.

The Recommended Practice (RP) provides guidance on the handling of complex software and computer- based systems throughout a vessel’s life cycle (design, construction, commissioning, and operation). By focusing on system integration and software change handling, the RP works to improve software reliability and quality. Further the RP may be used as a contractual element/requirement in newbuilding or conversion projects, and/or as guidelines for suppliers, system integrators and owners/operators to check compliance and the ongoing status of systems. The RP can also assist in establishing maintenance plans, service level agreements and life cycle warranties for software, provides a process to assess project timelines and risks, including alignment across sister vessels, and provides recommendations to increase the interoperability and integrability of vessel software and systems to vessels at both the newbuilding and operational phases.

About Nakilat

Nakilat is a Qatari Public Shareholding Company which originally listed on the Qatar Stock Exchange in 2005. As a shipping and maritime company, Nakilat provides an essential transportation link in the State of Qatar’s LNG supply chain. Its LNG shipping fleet is the largest in the world, comprising of 69 LNG vessels. Nakilat also owns and manages one FSRU and four large LPG carriers. Nakilat operates the ship repair, industrial and offshore fabrication facilities at Erhama Bin Jaber Al Jalahma Shipyard in Ras Laffan Industrial City via strategic joint ventures: N-KOM and QFAB. Nakilat also offers a full range of marine support services to vessels operating in Qatari waters.

About DNV Maritime

DNV is a classification society and a recognized advisor for the maritime industry.


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