Posted on April 3, 2019
German-based global logistics company, DHL Supply Chain, announced Tuesday it has plans to construct a $100 million distribution and warehousing center on Dorchester County’s rural, western end to provide services to the region’s largest industrial sectors.
“This investment…is further proof that South Carolina is an important hub for international business,” said Gov. Henry McMaster in a statement.
The operation is expected to create 450 new jobs, according to Dorchester County Economic Development.
“We have seen significant growth in this area of the country and customers are even asking us to evaluate opportunities in South Carolina specifically,” said Steve Hess, DHL Supply Chain’s vice president of real estate development, in a statement. “With that in mind, we got ahead of the curve to offer premier facilities in one of the hottest emerging markets in the country.”
DHL Supply Chain, part of Deutsche Post DHL Group, contracts with global companies in the automotive, manufacturing, consumer, energy and chemicals, and engineering fields, among other industry types. State leaders also touted Charleston’s port as one of the vital resources driving the region and state’s influx of distribution centers.
“South Carolina Ports Authority (SCPA) is seeing significant distribution center and warehousing activity in our region, driven by port users who rely on our marine and inland facilities to handle growing import volumes bound for consumers across the Southeast,” said Bobby Hitt, S.C. secretary of commerce, in a statement. “SCPA congratulates DHL Supply Chain on their plans to open a new facility, which will support the international supply chain needs of multiple port-related business segments.”
The economic development initiative will include three new buildings, totaling 1.7 million square feet, that will be housed in the newly-named DHL Commerce Park, housed inside Winding Woods Commerce Park.
“I view it as a park within a park,” said John Truluck, economic development director for the county.
Winding Woods has a total of 1,300 acres.
The first building is expected to be complete by the first quarter of 2020. DHL Real Estate Solutions, a DHL product, is developing the site.
Dorchester County Councilman George Bailey praised the local project for bringing increased workforce opportunities to a part of the county he said is in need of increased development.
“The development of this commerce park and recruitment of jobs and opportunity to western Dorchester County have been a dream of mine,” he said in a statement. “Today, that vision becomes reality.”
The county received a $1 million Set Aside grant to assist with project-related costs.
Source: journalscene.com