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Detailed Update on Buxton Beach Nourishment Provided at Commissioners’ Meeting

Posted on August 10, 2017

Coastal Science and Engineering (CSE), project manager for the Buxton Beach Nourishment Project, provided a detailed update at the Dare County Board of Commissioners’ meeting on Monday morning, August 7. CSE discussed production improvement measures that are being considered to expedite construction. They reported that Weeks Marine is hoping to bring a second dredge and will work through inspections and other requirements in an effort to bring the ‘B.E. Lindham’ hopper dredge on site in the next 10 – 15 days.

Click here to view the PowerPoint presentation from CSE,.

Video of the presentation will be posted on as soon as available.

The next update will be issued as soon as work on the project resumes, or sooner if updated information becomes available.

Source: Island Free Press

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