Posted on November 24, 2015
A harbourmaster has highlighted the “tremendous importance” of dredging, as controversial plans to dredge a port in Cornwall are drawn up for resubmission.
The Marine Management Organisation has so far blocked plans to dredge Falmouth Harbour since they were first proposed in 2004, due to environmental concerns.
Capt Mark Sansom said Falmouth Harbour was too small to accommodate larger cruise vessels.
The Harbour Commissioners have said the plans could create 800 jobs.
George Osborne criticised the delays to the plans in 2012, blaming EU directives.
However, environmentalists have expressed concerns that fishing beds and a rare algae, maerl, would be damaged by the works.
Mr Samsom‘s comments follow a review into Falmouth Harbour which found that it supported 1,400 jobs.
The study, commissioned by Cornwall Development Company, reported in August that salaries totalling £37 million were earned at the port and supported the local economy.
The Commissioners are due to submit an updated environmental statement to the Marine Management Organisation.