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Deal Signed to Facilitate River Transportation to Rampal

Posted on July 17, 2017

By Aminur Rahman Rasel, DhakaTribune

Bangladesh has signed a Tk166cr deal to dredge the Pasur River

Mongla Port Authority has signed a deal to ensure coal, construction equipment and raw material can be transported more easily via aquatic channels to the Rampal Power Plant.

On Sunday, MPA Chairman AKM Faruq Hasan signed a deal with the Dredging Corporation of India Limited (DCIL) to dredge the Pasur River.

For the DCIL, Chairman Rajesh Tripathi signed the Tk166cr deal. The dredging requires that 5metre of additional depth of the river bottom the by lifting 3.9 million cubic metres of sand across 8km.

The deal was signed at Mongla port.

The dredging will commence from August and is scheduled to end in June 2018.

Source: DhakaTribune

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