Posted on March 10, 2025
The Dauphin Island Causeway Shoreline Restoration Project entered phase two this week.
The project spans approximately 3.5 miles from Bayfront Park to Cedar Point. Its purpose is to restore marsh habitat and increase the resilience of the Causeway, the only route in and out of Dauphin Island.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will place material dredged from the Mobile Harbor Deepening & Widening Project behind the recently constructed rock breakwaters to create a marsh platform.
The first phase of the project placed more than 150,000 tons of rock to create segmented breakwaters.
The beneficial use project will build about 80 acres of new marsh habitat and protect the road to Dauphin Island. The Mobile County Commission said the project will restore the shoreline to 1917 locations.
The restoration is funded by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Gulf Environment Benefit Fund and the Emergency Coastal Resilience Fund.
No matching funds are required from the Mobile County Commission.