Posted on May 3, 2023
Robert Decker with Axiom Consultants presented the Humboldt County Conservation Board with a proposal for $3.6 million to repair the Reasoner Dam.
Decker met with the board during their regular session on Wednesday, April 19, with a standing room only crowd of community members in attendance. Steve Jacobson, structural engineering consultant with Axiom and Justin Brendon with J.F. Brennan Company, Inc. were also present at the meeting to answer questions.
“Our scope on this was very limited. I know you have had a study or two done on the dam previously. To look at the dam and analyze it for what it is,” Decker said.
“The Stantec report was very good. They did a really nice job of breaking down all the aspects of the dam, the history of the dam and some approaches to it,” Decker said.
A major expense not included in the estimate is dredging the area. Decker estimated that the cost to dredge the area would be at least $3.2 million.
The board questioned if removal might not be a better and cheaper option.
Local citizen Bret Harklau in cooperation with the conservation board, commissioned the report. The Humboldt County Conservation Board and the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors will be considering the next steps for the dam.